Ladies & Gents:
Today was a milestone day.
I had to be CLIPPED in a dress!! So I went dress shopping, and the sample sizes fit! That is HUGE! Not only that, I actually looked leaner.
It's all thanks to FTM.
To continue this wonderful shopping day. I tried on a pair of shorts at Banana Republic, that at the beg of summer I couldn't even zip. They were tight in the thighs...super gross.
Tonight, they fit PERFECTLY. Sat right at the hips and loose in the legs!!!!!
ANNNNNNNNNNND the skinny jeans.
Let us talk about the skinny jeans. The same skinny jeans that my gut would hang over..they would only fit me if I wore them under my gut people.
Last night, I felt adventurous. I pulled them on to wear to dinner, and they fit. Not only did they fit. The GUT didn't hang over the waistband.
I have not been this excited to go clothes shopping in a REALLY long time.
Thank you FTM for being the best teacher. I will continue to work hard.