Sunday, August 02, 2009

sunday funday

and boy was it fun :-D

I got home from dinner late. Went to bed after 2. Woke up at 6ish so I can meet FTM. 

I stopped at starbucks to get a breakfast sandwich and managed to eat 1/4 of it by the time I go to FTM.

The workout.....killed. It was fun and crazy and nuts. But it felt so good. I tried to eat the rest ofthe sandwich afterwards, but I felt like puking. So in FTM's famous word "negatory" on the foodage.

After church I had one greek tea cookie and 4 cubes of cantelope. 

Brunch: everyone feasted on omlets and bread and cupcakes...I had a slice of toast with some light cream cheese, and a juice glass of oj.

Snack: negatory

Dinner: cucumber, a whole ear of corn, salad, a piece of bread with butter & 3 potato wedges

Snack: pocorn

I know I over did it with the carbs today, but I also got in some swimming time.

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