Wednesday, August 26, 2009


This is my mood girl. Vent-fest post.

I'm super emotional lately, and I have not had candy or dessert in over a month. Popsicles don't count. 

Here is what annoys me:
- The amount of people who in the past week have reminded me that FTM's last day is Friday. Thanks people I'm not stupid. 

-People who try to force you to buy stuff when you tell them you're not interested. Why are you trying to sell me supps/bars when you KNOW I have a trainer who can sell me them?!

That being said. I'm trying to not let fear overtake me. I'm just really scared that I'm gonna fall of the wagon in the next few months, and I cannot let myself...

I really am gonna stay strong. I'll blog daily, and just stick with what FTM taught me.

Anyway, tomorrow is the last training session til December. It will be a GREAT one. 

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