Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Twisted Tuesday

a little less than a cup of yogurt
1/4 cup granola

Pretzels and a Popsicle (I know...I know...)

Flat out bread with chicken and provolone

Ok I know this is BAD. I know. I just need to buy more food. I a cheddar stick so I didn't work out on an empty stomach.

FML. Two people reminded me that FTM is no longer there. No duh. I just had to sensor myself.  Anyway, my workout was just okay. I warmed up on the stairmaster, then I went to thebig boy weight room. Did triceps, seated row, stepups with weights, military press, pulls ups with help, hamstring exercise with the ball, 6 sets of crunches (diff styles), 1 30 second plank and 1 45 second plank...then I finished off with cardio. My least fave. I ran 2 sets o sprints on the treadmill, and then did sprints on the bike (much better). 

Obsessive compulsive scale: down 1 from Thursday.

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