Wednesday, September 02, 2009

A WTF Moment...

I wrote this blog several weeks ago, and today the SAME thing sent me over the edge....I'll post the blog and then write what happened this morning.

I was driving to work this morning and there was a commercial on the radio for this diet pill. Eat whatever you like, and don't work out and STILL see results. PILLS DO NOT HELP YOU THEY HURT YOU. I mean seriously. How can you see long lasting results when this company is telling you drink whatever you want have that burger and fries and DON'T go to the gym... I work my ass off. Sure I can push myself a little more, but aside from Popsicle's/ice pops I don't think I Have had sweets in three weeks. THREE weeks. (well now it has been about 7 weeks)

So this morning the founder of this diet pill (I am assuming it is the same one since it is the same station) was saying that having breakfast is a no-no. That for the first 2-3 hours you are up you should NOT eat, and just take these pill (which are caffeinated).

It just bothered me so much. Every trainer I have had has stressed the importance of eating a balanced breakfast. Every DOCTOR I have had has stressed the importance of breakfast...

I wanted to call in and tell this guy WTF. Why are you telling people this going against every health professional!?

Anyway....that is my rant. I'll stick to good ole fashioned diet and exercise. The weight may come off slower, but at least I'm helping my body.

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