Saturday, September 05, 2009

Sore Saturday

Dude. My butt and my calves are hurting from Thursday.

Last night sucked food wise, but I guess I'm entitled to splurge every now and then.

I'll make up for it in the gym. I was going to go for a run before it got hot, but it just started thundering. Let the monsoon begin


Unknown said...

That is the wrong way of doing things. You can't out train a crappy diet, so you had better eaten 9 good meals before you had one shitty one. ;) I'm sure that is what you did!!!!

Keeks said...

You know me. I'm anal all week. I trained hard today. The p90 video was killer. I am 5/5 in September!

BTW: I had like 18 good meals not including snacks.

My Peace Of Food said...

P90X...I have always wanted to do this. Death?

Keeks said...

It isn't THAT bad. I was a little sore but I have been doing the Power circuit DVD and it's fun. You get a GREAT sweat out of it, and by the time it starts to get painful, it's over. I've done it twice now, and I'll try the other DVD and let you know how it goes.

Now, one of my cohorts at the gym is letting me borrow her Jillian Michaels SHRED and cardio kick...I am SOOO pumped. I told her one of my blogger friends mentioned the shred ;)

How have you been doing?