Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Breakfast...at 4:30 a.m?!

What has become of me?!

Breakfast I:

Leaving for San Fran bright and early. Well not bright, but early. I had breakfast. Hear that FTM. REAL breakfast to boot. 2 hard-boiled eggs.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Manic Monday..

Hi all!

Started off my morning with a 30 minute walk! Go me! That's to make up for skipping the gym tonight so I can finish packing.

I am prepared to get yelled at. I was a baddie.
Zero Carb Rockstar (to my defense it is 1:06 and there is still Rockstar in the can!!)
a banana
a Balance "bbar"

.5 lt water
1 cup organic popcorn

grilled chicken breast apprx 1 oz
1/2 pita bread
side salad low fat dressing w/feta
diet coke


2 hardboiled eggs.

Factor in a 50 minute speedwalk with the princess dog...how did I do?


and we're back....

So, we all know how I am a compulsive yo-yo dieter/gym rat. This time it's for good. I promise. I have a great new trainer who shall be known as FTM, a second sometimes trainer sometimes party friend (ML) and super supportive family. Especially, dad (aka Coach Dad on www.glitzandblitz.com).

I am doing this to track my eating/training for FTM (so I can be a little more green) and also for me.

So, that being said. Will write more later :-D

xoxo- k