Monday, June 29, 2009

Manic Monday..

Hi all!

Started off my morning with a 30 minute walk! Go me! That's to make up for skipping the gym tonight so I can finish packing.

I am prepared to get yelled at. I was a baddie.
Zero Carb Rockstar (to my defense it is 1:06 and there is still Rockstar in the can!!)
a banana
a Balance "bbar"

.5 lt water
1 cup organic popcorn

grilled chicken breast apprx 1 oz
1/2 pita bread
side salad low fat dressing w/feta
diet coke


2 hardboiled eggs.

Factor in a 50 minute speedwalk with the princess did I do?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

So I finally had the opportunity to really look at the day you put up. Here are the totals (minus the side salad). 792 calories eaten in that day. 183 calories coming from protein, 382 coming from carbs, and 210 coming from fat.

As far as the percentages of each macronutrient you are in pretty good shape. 49% came from carbs, 23% came from protein, and 27% came from fat. I would like to see the percentages more like 50% carbs, 30% protein, and 20% fat.

Your fiber is wayyy too low. With all the foods not including your side salad you only had 9 grams of fiber. Eating more fiber will help you stay full, and sustain your energy if you eat it with every meal. So to do this we need more vegetables, beans, legumes, fruits, or fiber supplements throughout the day. You should be between 25-35 g.

Last but not least, at 776 calories, you are under eating. You should be no lower than 2000 if I remember your weight correctly. Eat more clean calories and it will kick start your metabolism like it should be. Especially during the week when you are at home and more active in the gym. It would be safe to say eat more of the same stuff and add some more fruits and veggies and you will be where I want you.