Saturday, July 15, 2006

do you miss me?

I have fallen off the blogging bandwagon :(

please please make me blog

the weight loss is going well.

i have about 10 pounds til i reach WW goal

and another 5-10 for Kiki's goal.

its all good tho. id rather be healthy than skinny.


Thursday, March 30, 2006

let's get ready to rumble

today was okay. i lied it was bad. I'm starving, but tomorrow I'm getting weighed in so I'm not allowed to eat b/c if I do I'll gain like ten top it off the barista put classic AND splenda in my drink and classic is like 120 i didn't drink my coffee :(

The day started off productive with two cups of coffee (zero points!) and then I took the baby for a walk. We walked about a mile, but she cried the whole time b/c she has a tummy ache :(. I came home and held her (all 23 pounds) for about an hour...walking around the house til her mom came to get her.

When Maria came home I had brunch. A slice of the honey whole wheat bread with about a teaspoon of PB (Approx. 4 points).

I snacked all day long on jelly beans..well not all day, but a little bit.

My dad bought these amazing whole grain crisp things and I had two of those (2 points). Then for dinner I had pb w/crackers (Approx 4 again?)

I really had a craving for those soy crisp chips, but I couldn't find them so i bought a bag of pretzels and pretty much devoured it. (8 points..i know BAD)

So that's 16 points....but i know for a pact that the snacking brought me to 20. I'm gonna work on not snacking. Oh yeah I had half a small apple...but they are like 1 point for a whole...and .5 for a half...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Foodage for Mon-Wed

Today is Wed right?


Bfast: thee cups of coffee and a slice oftoast w/p.b grand total: 3 points
Snack: Tea
Lunch: A slice of toast with butter (3) Salad w/evoo (2) grandtotal: 8
Dinner: The rest of my salad (2) from lunch with a lot of bread (5) grandtotal 13
Snack: Soy Chips (2) grand total 15!

ok i kow im suppsoed to eat at least 20 points a day but i snacked on jellybeans and mints all day. That has to count for something

Pumpernicle bread w/peanut butter (3) coffeee Total points: 3
no lunch..
Dinner: was veggie soup with greed pasta (4) Total points: 7
Snack: half a bag baked (7) Total points: 14

that cant be right....i know im eating more than that...i can barely remember monday so ill write again tomorrow.

ive been drinking A LOT of water (and coffee)

ooops i forgot to post this the other day...

First day jitters

Well it's not really my first day. I've been at this my whole life. It's funny how childhood teasing affects (or is it effects) your adulthood. I remember first was around Christmas and this girl...her name was Stephanie...she told me I was as fat as the universe and that Tommy (the cutest boy in class) would never like me because he agreed with her. So it's been a long battle and lately I've been doing so good. I've lost almost 20 pounds this year and I would have lost more, but I gained a few back. I'm doing Weight Watchers and it's really an amazing diet. Later tonight (maybe tomorrow) I'll type up what I've eaten so I can see how my points where used and if there are any other WW members reading PLEASE leave feedback and suggestions on what more I can do. Please don't hesitate to yell at me if you think I need to be doing something different.

xo- SkinnyMinnie